Supporting philanthropy

The operating environment for charitable organisations and the donors who support them has a huge impact on their capacity to deliver outcomes. Work is needed to ensure that eNGOs have adequate resources, and that the resources they do have are directed to substantive work rather than administrative tasks, fundraising and reporting.

What’s been happening?

What’s coming up?

What is the AEGN doing?
  • Preparing detailed submissions in response to the Productivity Commission inquiry and NFP Blueprint Issues Paper
  • Hosting an AEGN member delegation to meet with the Productivity Commission
  • Meeting with the Ministers for Environment and Climate to discuss the benefits of leveraging philanthropy for their portfolios
  • Working with Philanthropy Australia and others to promote co-funding partnerships with government for climate and nature projects
  • Monitoring the transition of administration of the Register of Environmental Organisations to the ATO

What can AEGN members do?
  • Join AEGN delegations to meet with Ministers and Commissioners
  • Fund capacity building within civil society, including untied / core funding for admin, monitoring and governance roles
  • Advocate for First Nations and CALD representation on all grants advisory committees
  • Contact the Advocacy Manager to contribute to AEGN submissions and discuss advocacy options  

Become a member

It’s been exciting to see the growth in sophistication of how the AEGN operates. For the benefit of all.

Hayley Morris, Morris Family Foundation